Center for Integrative Studies and STEM

  • 南east Regional Noyce Connection conference participants
  • 南east Regional Noyce Connection conference participants
  • 南east Regional Noyce Connection conference participants
  • 南east Regional Noyce Connection conference participants
  • AMSTI-focused on Middle School Mathematics Teachers Program participants


CISSTEM is a university-based center for integrating research and innovation in the teaching and learning of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). CISSTEM supports partnerships among higher education, local education agencies, the business community, local philanthropies, and government and human service agencies to align the unique expertise and capabilities of the partners to create an infrastructure that will foster innovative teaching and promote learning in the STEM disciplines.

The ultimate purpose of CISSTEM is to ensure high quality math, science, and engineering instruction to prepare the youth of Alabama with the 21st Century skills necessary to participate in the emerging global economy. 


Dr. 汤普森
Dr. 汤普森's Work with the National Academies of Sciences Engineering Medicine
周三- 2017年9月6日
Dr. 凯西H. 汤普森, 临时负责人, CISSTEM is serving as a final outcome reviewer for the Education and Training projects submitted to the Gulf 研究 Program's Exploratory Grant Opportunity in 2015. Dr. 汤普森 also served as a grant reviewer to select the 12 exploratory grants, totaling more than $1.500万年.
合作机会补助金 News
合作机会补助金 News
周三- 2017年9月6日
Centered on partnership and collaborative efforts between the 十大彩票网投平台, Coastal Alabama 社区 College, Mississippi Gulf Coast 社区 College, 毕晓普州立社区学院, 奇卡索市学校系统, and the Mobile Area Education Foundation , 合作机会补助金 partners aim to reduce the transfer shock of
合作机会补助金 Kickoff
合作机会补助金 Kickoff
周三- 2017年9月6日
Project 合作伙伴 from the 十大彩票网投平台 and three local community colleges- Coastal Alabama 社区 College, Mississippi Gulf Coast 社区 College, and 毕晓普州立社区学院, met on the campus of the 十大彩票网投平台, 周四, 8月31日, 2017, to formerly launch the 合作机会补助金 project.